Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Past Performance of Mahesh Kaushik Fundamental Stock Recommendations Part 2.

You already Read First Part of this story here:- (click on link and read first part if you not read it yet )

Past Performance of Mahesh Kaushik Fundamental Stock Recommendations Part 1.
Now we continue to see Chandu progress in share market with me. On  13 April 2013 Chandu saw my next recommendation of manali petro, you may also see it here:-
Manali Petro @ 8.44
and he invest his next 5000 in manali petro so he buy 604 Stocks of Manali petro @ 8.28  on 15 April 2013, So as on 15 April 2013 Chandu stock market business balance sheet was given below:-

Chandu Balance Sheet as on 15 April 2013
Name of stockBuying dateCMP on buyingTotal sharesBrokerageTotal investment
BLB Ltd18-Mar-132.991645505050
Selling dateCMP on SellingTotal SharesBrokerageAmount get from selling
Realized profit form sellingPrice on 15 April 2013unrealized profit /(loss)Dividend dateDividend income
Not traded on 15 april 13 but last traded price is 3.30518.32
Name of stockBuying dateCMP on buyingTotal sharesBrokerageTotal investment
Manali Petro15-Apr-138.28604505051
Selling dateCMP on SellingTotal SharesBrokerageAmount get from selling
Realized profit form sellingPrice on 15 April 2013unrealized profit /lossDividend dateDividend income
Total investment till date10097
Total realized profit till date0
Total unrealized profit/loss till date518.32
Total dividend income till date0
Total realized profit plus dividend till date0
Explanation:- 13 April was a Saturday which was market holiday so I use Monday 15 April 2013 opening price 8.28 in this example instead of my recommendation price 8.44 .

Why I publish this report:- When you read all part of this report and see chandu full journey of stock market with me till 2016 then you easily understand how to invest in my style  or style of my book.

Request:- Making and publishing of this report  is  a very hard and time consuming work and I am disappointing to see your nil comments on my work so please share your view in comments your comments encourage me to work hard.


  1. Well done sir keep it up!!!!
    I learn lot with your logic and it is very helpful to find out good stock .

  2. Good explanation of journey. waiting for your next parts sir...

  3. Sir i am new in stock trading and want to learn every aspects of stock market please suggest me how to pick a stock

    1. Vikrant please read my book or watch my youtube videos for more details

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you sir 3 rd part on this story Wii be publish today

  5. Dear kaushik,
    you explain the concepts in simple and understandable way. its very encouraging to lot of us to start trusting the stock market. keep continue doing your goodwork sir.

    1. Thank you ram today I work on 3 red part and publish at night regards


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